
Rooks Field-Green (HE/THEY): 

Rooks Field-Green is a white, Jewish, and trans/non-binary theatre artist settled in Kjipuktuk. Rooks has a combined-honours degree in Psychology and Theatre Studies from the University of King’s College/Dalhousie University. Rooks has worked behind the scenes with Zuppa Theatre Co. (City Ditties, This is Nowhere, F.I.S.H.), 2b Theatre (The Bridge), DaPoPo Theatre in association with Shakespeare by The Sea (Queer Theatre Ensemble: Shakesqueer). He has also performed with Zuppa Theatre (F.I.S.H.) Villain’s Theatre (M: The Berlin Murders, Isolate Nights, Scene of the Crime), Neptune Theatre (Boys, Girls, and Other Mythological Creatures, Jabber) and Ship’s Company Theatre (Good Grief). Rooks produces, writes and directs queer children’s radio plays (Frog and Toad are Together: Ice Cream, A Swim, Cookies). Currently Rooks is enrolled in Tarragon Theatre’s Young Playwright’s Unit as he develops his play Translating with Dramaturg Makram Ayache. Rooks’s writing focuses on childhood development, transgenerational trauma (with queer and jewish lens’s), and subversive depictions of gender and queerness. Rooks is also the incoming Chair of Eastern Front Theatre’s Board of Directors.